Narend Singh

National Assembly | South Africa

Narend Singh MP is a seasoned and well respected political figure in South Africa – to many in his home country he is a household name and a formidable force in holding the South African government accountable. His roots trace back to his grandfather, Mr Bendasari Singh, who arrived as an indentured labourer to South Africa on the 24th April 1897 at 23 years of age, hailing from Gorakhpur in the State of Uttar Pradesh. He established himself and settled on the south-coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, where he started his family.

In 1994, he was appointed a Senator in the first Senate of the Republic of South Africa. In the Province of KwaZulu-Natal he first served in the role of Leader of Government Business and later appointed as Member of the Executive Council in various portfolios from April 1997 to March 2006. Singh, has over three decades of experience in serving his country in public office and is a key figure in his political home – South Africa’s fourth largest political party, the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP). He currently serves the IFP as Treasurer General and in Parliament’s National Assembly, he serves as Chief Whip of the IFP’s 15 Member Parliamentary Caucus. A patriot, a conservative and a true champion of democratic rights and freedoms, Narend Singh, believes that his fellow South Africans and by extension all who reside within the African Diaspora, can only truly be liberated and free – once economic liberation is met with social justice built on strong, independent constitutional and democratic principles on the African continent at large.

Narend Singh holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Economic Principles from the University of London (UoL), a Post Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and African Studies from the University of Johannesburg and Masters Degree (MSc) in Public Policy and Management, (UoL)..On a lighter note, Narend Singh enjoys spending time with his family, his grand-children and friends and is an avid reader, an adept communicator and a dedicated servant of the people. He is passionate about service delivery and fully immerses himself in assisting local non-profit community based organisations.