North Carolina State Senator Whip Chaudhuri is a member of the North Carolina State Senate, representing District 15. Jay assumed office on January 1, 2019. His current term ends on December 31, 2020. He ran for re-election to the North Carolina State Senate to represent District 15. He won in the general election on November 3, 2020. As a State Senator representing District 15 (Raleigh, Cary, and Garner), he has led the fight on funding class sizes from kindergarten to third grade. He also led the fight on reducing gun violence in our schools. During his term, he played the lead role in recruiting a global information technology company to establish an Innovation Hub that will create 2,000 new jobs and pay $72,000 a year, above the Wake County median salary. That recruitment was one of the largest job announcements in the state this past decade.
Jay has been Special Counsel to Attorney General Roy Cooper and helped lead an investigation by all 50 Attorneys General that resulted in a landmark agreement with the two leading social networking sites, MySpace and Facebook, to better protect children from Internet predators. For his efforts, the National Association of Attorneys General honored him with the Marvin Award. Also, as General Counsel & Senior Policy Advisory to State Treasurer Janet Cowell, he helped recover almost $100 million back to the pension and escheat funds. He also led the effort to establish the first ever Innovation Fund, a $230 million fund dedicated to support and invest in businesses with significant operations in North Carolina.
Jay graduated from Davidson College, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, and North Carolina Central University School of Law with honors.